“白絲帶”——對男性暴力說“No!” [ 2007-03-05 17:25 ]
The White Ribbon Day in
The United Nations
Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) introduced the campaign to China in
The new Chinese group is a community-based organization composed of
lawyers, doctors, journalists, college students and teachers, community
workers and other social workers.
A written statement from the group calls on the whole of society,
particularly men, to oppose any kind of violence against women, to never
commit, condone or remain silent about violence against women, to offer
the best possible assistance to women victims of violence, especially
domestic violence, and to make positive contributions to the elimination
of violence against women and to gender equality.
The White Ribbon Campaign has been so far introduced to local
communities in Northeast China's Liaoning Province, East China's Jiangxi
Province, Northwest China's Shaanxi Province and Central China's Hunan
badge of purity or perfection:(純潔或美好的象征)
pledge: a solemn binding promise(莊嚴的承諾)
people trafficking: (販賣人口)
gender equality: (兩性平等) |
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