[ 2006-12-11 14:46 ]
請看《中國日報》相關報道:Internet Society of China has published its final definition ofmalicious softwareafter it has collected more than 8,500 opinions from the public since early this month.
Malicious software is defined as a program that is installed on computers or other terminals without the user's permission and infringes the user's rights.
“流氓軟件”即“惡意軟件”,以“installed without notification or approval”(強制安裝)、“browser hijacking”(瀏覽器劫持)、“triggering pop-up ads”(廣告彈出)等惡行為主要特征。
英語中,“流氓軟件”常用“malicious software”或者“malware”來表達。顯然,malware是malicious software的合成形式,英語中類似造詞法比比皆是,如:motor + hotel--motel(汽車旅館);smoke + fog--smog(煙霧);breakfast + lunch--brunch(早中飯)。
此外,“流氓軟件”也可用“rogue software”來指代,“rogue”在英語中指“流氓、無賴”。