Gold bars vending machine
Updated: 2009-07-02 18:24
>Gold bars vending machine
Vending machines that dispense bars of gold have been unveiled at Frankfurt Airport, Germany. Shoppers can buy gold as easily as bars of chocolate. Gold prices from the machines, named Gold To Go (see photo), are about 30% higher than market prices. Shoppers receive a certificate of authenticity after their purchase. As the credit crunch continues to bite, more and more people in Europe prefer to hold personal wealth in gold.
德國法蘭克福機場破天荒推出一臺名為Gold To Go的黃金自助販賣機(見圖),買金條就像買巧克力條般容易。販賣機里的黃金價格比市場價高出30%。所有經販賣機售出的金條,均附有"真品證明書"。在經濟衰退時期,歐洲越來越多人買黃金保值。